Employee Time Keeping

It is important that accurate records of employee hours are kept so that client service charting and employee paychecks will be correct.

paper Timesheets are due weekly on Monday by 4 PM. Employees should also be actively punching in Sandata to full fill electronic visit verification requirements.

Timesheet Instructions

  1. Weekly timesheets are due the Monday after the work week ends. Although the timesheet includes up to seven days of work, the timesheets must be filled out daily with start and end times of services, client or legal proxy signatures, and any companionship visit start/end times, travel time start/end times or missed punches. Daily completion of the timesheet ensure that employees are recording actual worktime on their timesheet. Timesheets submitted to SHO that included times that were not worked will be subject to disciplinary action up to termination.

  2. Employees must have their client (or legal proxy) verify they received the service by signing the timesheet after the service each day. Employees are prohibited from having someone sign on behalf of the client without having first provided SHO with written legal authority to do so (such as guardianship or activated Healthcare Power of Attorney paperwork). If a client refuses to sign the timesheet, the employee must call SHO (414-475-5356) immediately to document the issue.

  3. Timesheets may be submitted in one of four methods by their weekly due date (Monday after the week of service):

    •  Email: a clear image of the timesheet to our office at timesheets@shoinc.com.  Please keep your email as confirmation that the timesheet was sent in case there is an issue on the receiving end.

    • Fax: to (262) 421-0384.  Please keep your fax confirmation as verification the timesheet was faxed on time in case there is an issue on the receiving end.

    • Hand delivery: Timesheets can be hand delivered (only by the employee) to the office at 7400 Harwood Ave or can be left in the yellow drop box located at the parking lot exit at the rear of the office building. Letting another person bring or send in your charting is NOT an option as that person has not been approved by SHO to have access to this health care information.

    • Mail: Timesheets can also be mailed, but mailing is not recommended due to timeliness of mail.  If mailing, please allow sufficient time for postal service delivery and postal holidays.

  4. Timesheets must be received and verified by SHO according to the timesheet deadline. SHO will be verifying: (1) that timesheet includes signature of the client or her/his legal proxy for each service date, (2) that timesheets fit the authorized schedule for services, (3) that timesheet times match EVV punches. If SHO is unable to verify any of these areas, SHO will not be able to properly bill for the services and employee payment will be delayed until the problematic timesheet is reconciled, verified and processed with billing.

  5. Timesheets are available for pickup at the SHO office or may be downloaded off of Paylocity.

Missed an Electronic Punch?

If you notice that you missed a punch in Sandata, please report it immediately by calling the office. When leaving a voicemail for the missed punch, please give your full name, you call back number, the date and time of the missed punch, the reason of the missed punch and the name of the client you are providing services. Please also note the missed punch on your paper time sheet.